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Вижте книги с подобно съдържание и в следните категории: Чуждоезикова литература, на английски език, Изкуства, Изобразително изкуство, Албуми
A unique edition of its kind, which includes high-quality photos of almost all of Tsanko Lavrenov's paintings.
It also contains texts dedicated to the artist, written by the best Bulgarian art critics, as well as memories about him, shared personally by his grandson Lavren Petrov. Tsanko Lavrenov is among the names in our cultural history for whom it seems that everything has already been said. Even during his lifetime, he received high praise as an artist and an authority in the cultural life of Bulgaria between the 1930s and 1970s, today he will seem extremely familiar to many. Another meeting with him, however, confronts us with a number of unanswered questions, both regarding the study of his work specifically and analyzing it in a broader context than has been considered so far, as well as general processes in the history of Bulgarian art, in which Lavrenov as an artist has a direct participation, art critic, public figure. Албумът включва висококачествени изображения с картините на именития български художник Цанко Лавренов, както и текстове, посветени на художника - анализ на творчеството му от едни от най-добрите български изкуствоведи и спомени за него, споделени лично от внука му Лаврен Петров. Текстовете в изданието са на английски език. Книги, подобни на "Tsanko Lavrenov 1896-1978" |