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Peter comes face to face with Mr. Knife! And you won't believe who's behind that snazzy mask. And all this craziness seems to have put a little strain on Peter and Kitty's relationship. You know what'll fix that right up? SPACE DATE ! Or rather...SPACE PRISON BREAK! Peter Quill, what a catch. Couples fight. We all know they do. Especially when one half of the couple is Peter Quill. You know what we find often helps a rough patch? Space mischief and scoundreling! That's a word, right? Of course, it can also distract you from the whole...guarding the galaxy thing. Relationships, am I right?
COLLECTING: Legendary Star-Lord 6-10 Книги, подобни на "Legendary Star-Lord vol.2 Rise of the Black Vortex"-5%
Titans Vol. 1 The Return of Wally WestDan Abnett, Brett Booth30.40 лв.
Warcraft: The Sunwell Trilogy - Dragon Hunt, Book One : Dragon HuntRichard A. Knaak, Jae-Hwan Kim22.80 лв.
Dragon Age The MissingGeorge Mann33.25 лв.
Joker/Harley Criminal SanityKami Garcia46.55 лв.
Boys Run the Riot 1Keito Gaku21.76 лв.