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Вижте книги с подобно съдържание и в следните категории: Икономика и право, Юридическа литература, Право, Образование, учебници
List of Authors: Savina Mihaylova-Goleminova, Dilyan Nachev, Hristina Tancheva, Irina Bogdanova, Marina Stefanova, Ivan Ruschev, Georgi Spasov, Simona Veleva, Nevin Feti, Orlin Kolev, Desislava Kalcheva, Reni Pancheva, Mario Milov, Magdalena Vlahova-Veleva, Iva Petkova, Yuliya H. Jarova, Nikoleta Kuzmanova, Kiril Kamenov, Dimitar Elkov.
The book is intended for the English language programmes of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEBA), Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, including the professional school for computer programming and innovations in the city of Burgas. The subject matter of the Corporate and Financial Law Handbook is complex and multifaceted, proving that there is a need for joint studies, involving both lawyers and economists. The present Handbook is a good example of such a collaboration. The authors of the different chapters of the Handbook are experienced professionals in their field. In their analysis of the various topics, they demonstrate that Bulgaria has its own traditions in the different fields of legal and economic doctrine but upholds EU values and their legal foundations along its path toward European integration. This is a book for lawyers and non-lawyers written by lawyers and economists. Internet content has been used freely, with proper identification of sources. Prof. Dr. Jacques Malherbe Книги, подобни на "Corporate and Financial Law Handbook"-10%
Предизвикателства пред държавите членки и кандидатките за членство в Европейския съюз в областта на данъчното облагане и финансовото правоСавина Михайлова-Големинова19.80 лв.
Финансови правни отношения в системата на публичните средства от европейските структурни и инвестиционни фондовеСавина Михайлова-Големинова17.10 лв.
Управление и контрол на средствата от европейските фондове при споделено управлениеСавина Михайлова-Големинова18.00 лв.
Казуси по гражданско съдопроизводство, том 1Любен Корнезов, Атанас Иванов23.75 лв.
Ограничаване и лишаване от родителски праваДоц. д-р Галина Димитрова25.20 лв.
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